Korean Wedding Traditions, From Engagement to Reception

Korean weddings are a fascinating mix of ancient traditions and modern flair. From the matchmaking process to the reception, every step of the way is steeped in symbolism and meaning. So, if you're a foreigner interested in Korean wedding traditions, let's dive in and explore this unique cultural experience! The Matchmaking Process In Korea, arranged marriages were once the norm, but these days, most couples meet through friends, at school or work, or through dating apps. However, some couples still use the services of a matchmaker to find their perfect partner. The matchmaker, called a 'naeuiwon,' works to find a suitable match for their client. They consider things like family background, education level, and income, to ensure that the couple is compatible. Once the couple has been introduced, they go on a few dates to get to know each other better. If things go well, they will continue to see each other and eventually become engaged. The Engagement Ceremony In Ko...