Korean Work Culture: Understanding Business Practices and Etiquette

As the global economy continues to expand, more and more businesses are looking to enter the South Korean market. However, it is essential for college students, young professionals, and people looking for work abroad to understand the Korean work culture to navigate the business landscape successfully. Hierarchy Hierarchy is a crucial aspect of Korean work culture, and it is essential to understand the seniority system to navigate the workplace successfully. In the Korean workplace, age and seniority are highly respected and deference is expected. This means that older colleagues are seen as more experienced and knowledgeable, and their opinions are valued. It is essential to be respectful and follow the instructions of your seniors. This includes using the appropriate language, such as honorifics and polite speech, and avoiding being too familiar with your superiors as it may be considered disrespectful. It is also important to avoid contradicting or interrupting your colleagues,...